Kids in Art
Annual Art show put on by our talented Pasco County School Children
April 2023-May 2023
A Journey Through Tarot
Important Dates
Opening Reception: February 17, 2023 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Exhibit Runs from February 17 - March 11
Artist Statement
Musing on my career over the years, as a Fine Artist – one day I was contemplating what
would be the theme, subject matter, and the visuals for my next paintings. My works always involving symbolism, dream images, and historical mythology. I thought of the works of other artists and remembered a display of color drawings that I had seen by the artist Dali – his renderings of a few of the Major Arcana Cards from the famous Tarot Cards. I thought “that’s it.” Having always been fascinated by the symbolism and rich visuals of the tarot cards – beautiful and historic drawings and illustrations from various decks, rendered by artists from the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and to the present – why not me? I’ll choose specific cards from the Major Arcana, interpret the symbolic meanings with my own visuals and reinvent the specific cards with my imagination and skills. Thus, eight paintings you see on display – concepted and completed over a 2 year period. I don’t know if I’m done for now with these eight concepts – there may be more to come. But, for me, there will always be a treasure chest to return to in The Tarot Cards.
-Patrick Stickney