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Oil Painting - Down Home Florida
  • Oil Painting - Down Home Florida


    Location: Saint Leo University, Fine Arts Building (FAB) 101

    Time and Days: Tuesday Evenings 6pm to 9pm

    Session is 4 weeks: Tuesday, Sept. 17, Sept. 24, Oct. 1 & Oct. 8 


    This is an introductory oil painting class. We will start with a classic Florida landscape theme and move on to Plein Air (painting outdoors on campus). Students will learn the importance of composition, values, color mixing, painting techniques, paint handling, and expression. Also choosing a support, preparing supports and grounds and different oil painting approaches.


    A limited supply list is included to purchase basic supplies below.

    A more comprehensive supply list will be shown, demonstrated, and discussed at the first class.


    Kim worked in the television industry for 30 years as a print and broadcast artist, retiring as the Art Director for a national network graphics hub. She currently teaches painting wildlife, birds, dogs, cats, horses, landscapes, and still life. 


    Cost: $130 members, $145 non-members

    Registration Fee: $10

    Materials : 

    1. Supplied by instructor: $40 paid to instructor in class
    2. or see the attached list 


    Class Minimum and Maximum:  min. 3, max. 15


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